Trend to Watch: Digital Currency

As you move forward, it’s essential to monitor and assess organization-specific results while keeping an eye on other factors and trends in philanthropy that will undoubtedly come into play in the next three-to-five-year development strategies.

DIGITAL CURRENCY: It’s unlikely that cryptocurrency will go away and it’s an open question whether it will become more than a hot topic. So, while 2022 is not the time to invest much in the way of resources towards marketing this option, taking a first step—such as securing a digital currency wallet for the organization—is a good near-term option.

Accelerate learning and adoption by connecting with another organization that has digital currency acceptance policies and some experience with these transactions.

Some major giving prospects may likely inquire about making payments through digital currency in the year ahead, but it is unlikely to be the time to add this as an option on your online giving form for now. Keeping an open mind to new ways of giving will serve organizations well.


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